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Meet newest sensation; Erena

Sannie Beauty Gbor alias Erena is an upcoming independent christian artist who Started doing Music at an early age, from the Children's Choir to the Youth Choir..

Erena does music because it’s her way of communicating God’s message to the world.

Erena is currently working on her first debut single that is set to be out soon and more to follow afterwards.

From Erena's point of observation, one of the most valid Challenges she sees in the Christian Entertainment is Support from the Audience/ Fans. Artists struggle to make the music and still struggle to sell the music The industry will have to design a new paradigm that will embrace christian to the extend that we will not just listen to it and share but will support it financially..

Erena encouraging her fellow christian artists not to get weary but to be strong and have confidence in God who has called them to the music Industry.

"I know there are many challenges but let us remember why we decided to do music. So that the Kingdom of God will advance and his name glorify." - Erena

You can follow Erena:

Facebook @ Erena and

Instagram @ erana202

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