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"You keep loosing your Musicians and Instrumentalist due to lack of care" Kingsley Uche cries out

Professional Drummer/Singer Kingsley Uche cries out on facebook to the Church concerning the welfare of his fellow Musicians..

"You keep loosing your Musicians and Instrumentalists because you have decided not to care for them, you have made yourself available as a cross they need to carry for the sake of the gospel..

May God forgive that heartless and ungodly attitude that is not found in Jesus..

It got to a time when he turned to his disciples and asked them, ' since you decided to follow me, have you lacked anything? And they answered no..

Why didn't Jesus tell them to look up to God for their blessing..

What a loving and caring master.

He was always available and making provisions for them...

If you have the mind of Christ, you will do even more than Jesus did, because he said greater things you shall do...

Can you ask your musicians the same question that Jesus asked his disciples?

I dare you to try it..

Is it not the same Jesus that we preach?

I know that the Church has challenges that will never end, because if we keep saying, let's be patient its gonna to be well, it will never happen..

Once a ministry is established, the first thing on your agenda should be a strong music team, I tell you today, if you pay attention to your musicians and make that department strong, your ministry will grow rapidly and power will be made available.

They'll always be manifestations of God's spirit in all your services..

Worship, is the heartbeat of God..

Off keys, unpleasant instrumental sounds causes distractions and it takes away God's presence..

Employ Your Instrumentalists today, you will call me and testify..

I am the voice that cries out from Facebook today, prepare ye the employment list for the musicians and enjoy good music today..

I love you all."

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